Mark BSU Rentals


4904 N. Somerset

Muncie, IN 47304

Phone: (765) 289-8865

Email: Mark BSU Rentals

Member UALA

  1. Clean stove, oven, refrigerator, sink, kitchen cabinets and floor.
  2. Move stove and refrigerator out and clean floor behind each.
  3. Clean all food from refrigerator and freezer.
  4. Clean bathroom including tub, tub wall, sink, toilet and floor.
  5. Clean all baseboards, windows, doors and ceiling fans (blades, lights and fixtures) and clothes washer and dryer.
  6. Mop all vinyl floors, vacuum all carpet, sweep/vacuum stairs and clean basement floor.
  7. Clean/sweep outdoor entrances and collect all trash from yard and shrubby.
  8. Replace burned-out light bulbs and repair any broken items including glass/window screens.
  9. Remove all furniture, related personal items. Do not leave any furniture or items inside or outside that will not fit in garbage can.
  10. Leave all utilities in landlord's name - Phillip Mark.
  11. Notify landlord the date of vacating premises and leave a current forwarding address for handling of damage deposits.