Mark BSU Rentals


4904 N. Somerset

Muncie, IN 47304

Phone: (765) 289-8865

Email: Mark BSU Rentals

Member UALA

Put Utilities in Tenant(s) Name(s):

Electric: Indiana-Michigan Power - 1(800)311-4634.

Gas: Vectren - 1(800)227-1376.

Water: Indiana-American Water - 1(800)492-8373.

Sewage: Based upon your water usage, you will receive a sewage bill the Muncie Sanitary District.

Payment of Rent:

Rent is due the first day of each month and no later than the third day of the month to avoid late charges as stated in the signed lease.

Pay rent to Mark BSU Rentals, LLC and send to Mark BSU Rental, LLC - 4904 N. Somerset, Muncie, IN 47304

Care of House:

Keep the house and premises in a clean and safe condition at all times.

Telephone Contacts:

(765)289-8865 - Phillip Mark's cell.