Accessibility Statement
Color Scheme
If you are having trouble viewing the site because of the colors, you can click on the "Hard on the eyes? Click here" link. The current style of the site will be replaced with an easier to view color scheme. The site will remember your selection for two seperate areas: the main site and the blog. So you will(sorry) have to set the blog seperately from the main site.
Text too Small
If you have trouble reading because of the size of the text, You can use the keys CTRL + '+/-' to increase/decrease the font size. CTRL + 0 will set it back to the default size.
You can also use the browsers View=>Zoom menu option to change the zoom level.
Trouble Navigating Site
You can navigate the site by access keys. Access keys are keyboard combinations set up by web site designers/developers. To use them just hit ALT + SHIFT + ACCESS KEY(see list below). In Internet Explorer you have to hit ENTER after you hit the access key combination. In Google Chrome ALT + ACCESS KEY will work.