The Total Solution
Just because we cater to big names doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten who we are. From handhelds, laptops and gaming to software installs and walkthroughs, we’re there for you.
Want the latest?
We’ve got you covered. Wright Global Technologies has the answer for hard to find quality service technicians.
Call 1(765)808-0388 or e-mail our support staff anytime you have concerns or questions regarding your business or products.
PC being sluggish? Done.!!
Register down? We can help.!!
Want the latest tech installed? We’re on it.!!
We will be on-site immediately.
Ask yourself why you have to wait days for something that takes an hour to fix. We offer the on-site guarantee because you don’t have time to wait. And we aim to raise the benchmark.
Securing Your Future
With technology moving as it is, its easy to feel left behind. Understand Wright Global Technologies is with you every step of the way.
With our in-house trained field technicians, you’ll have no worries concerning your data integrity and security. We’re there same day, same hour, before your downtime becomes a problem.